Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Barnabas The Caring Bulletin Board System [OS/2] Your Sysop is john barton Welcome to Barnabas BBS - Essex's first christian/disABLED BBS. As the Sysop I hope that I will be able to help you, and provide you with any help you may need . Before you can gain FULL access to the board, please read the "How to Subscribe" option at the main menu. However generous limits are enforced and a 60 "evaluation subscription" is automatically given to new callers. However disABLED Users will be given FREE access/subscriptions on Barnabas, details at the "How to Subscribe" screen on the main menu. Please Press Return Date : 6J Time : 01 |Baud : OR | |Calls : +P| | Remain : 60